Plan Weekly • Focus Daily
We’ve all done it…
…purchased a snazzy new planner online & waited with anticipation for it to arrive, only to find that we don’t like the font, color, layout, size, paper weight, smell…you get the idea.
I’ve personally done this more times than I’d like to admit and it feels like I have single-handedly donated brand-new, flawless planners to just about everyone on my contact list. There should be an anonymous support group for people like myself!
Many commercial planners are simply too complicated and cause more stress than they ease! The focus is on the sparkle and flare, and not on the content or layout. The monaplanner© was born as an easy to implement, simple to use planner with a goal of helping to inspire and declutter the lives of others. That’s why when you open the monaplanner©, you’re going to see lots of open space, left blank intentionally, for you to utilize as best fits your life, schedule, and preferences.
The monaplanner© has 13 weeks of planning pages.
Weekly Planning Page
One highlight of this flexible and intuitive (if I do say so myself) layout is the Weekly Planning page. This provides you with plenty of space to list out your tasks for the week ahead, as well as one of my favorite pieces, “Start, Stop, and Continue.”
Once you’ve jotted down the projects and appointments you know are coming up in the week ahead, take just a moment to note those down on the appropriate day in the following pages. As you do so, check them off the list on your weekly page so you know they’re accounted for and scheduled where they belong.
Look at you – checking stuff off already! Feels great doesn’t it? And this makes your brain want to do MORE good work! Woohoo!
Now, back to “Start, Stop and Continue.” This is a great place for you to do a little reflecting on the past week, what you did that worked, what didn’t, and what you might like to try differently in the week ahead.
These are the things you’ll want to start doing, stop doing, and continue doing. Get specific here. Remember, this is your planner, it’s a safe space no one else needs to see, and being honest with yourself about what isn’t working is the first step in making the changes necessary to see improvement.
Setting aside the time to plan, once a week is really where the rubber meets the road.
It’s a chance for you to do a brain dump of sorts and gain a visual of the big picture for the upcoming week, as well as prioritizing time for yourself to unplug and invest in your self-care and personal development. You’re worth it. Right?